From CNBC NEWS Blog:
One of the most brilliant business plans ever: Selling New York City tap water.
I know! You wish you’d thought of it, am I right?!
What’s more, they want you to bring your own container! Hello, how low-overhead is that?

Ruhf wouldn’t specify how many ppm their filtered tap water is other than to say, “Our PPM is better than your dad’s. It’s by far less than 6 ppm.”
Their intentions are a little more noble than “Hey, buddy, wanna buy some tap water?”
“We have an increasing level of contamination nationally and internationally and it grew out of concern for what I was drinking,” Ruhf said, adding that they were inspired by the water stores in California and wanted to bring a variation on that idea to New York.
Read the full Article from cnbc.com
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Another informative blog… Thank you for sharing it… Best of luck for further endeavor too.