Friday, May 11, 2012

Purificup For Use In Urban Settings??

Purificup is a great piece of equipment to take when you are going out into the wilderness and will need access to clean drinking water.  But have you thought about how useful it can be in urban travels?

One hunting blogger decided to do just that!  He is a hunter but decided that a truer test of Purificup's abilities would be in a more urban setting along a major river where there is more chance for contamination.  To read his review click HERE.

We know Purificup is the answer to great drinking water, no matter where your travels take you.  If you would like more information about our product or would like to know where to get your own Purificup purification system please visit our website.

Happy (and safe) Travels!


  1. I have used it both in the back country and urban water sources a couple of which were to say the least very questionable water sources and it has done fine. Great product easy to use and carry.

  2. I agreed more, we have this new PurifiCup for about 2 months. and we love it, especially it allows us to filtered water into other sports bottles and used water bottles, it saves us allot of $ we used to waste buying water bottles as outrages pricing at some places we travel. Actually, we use them both in hotels ($3.00 water bottles x 4 of us) and use it in Trails and get Water from the Rivers to refill our 32 oz Sports bottles! The fact that this water treatment kills Bacteria like E.coli and Giardia is must everyone that travels. there are allot of really questionable water sources that we would not drink from. We think this new water filter will be very popular among travelers and outdoors man. oh and the Water tasted surprisingly Great every time. Good product!
